We are
EnDO ready.

The Namibian financial revolution is here.

The Namibian Financial Revolution is here

Say goodbye to the old one-dimensional debit order solution and replacing it with a real-time, interoperable, enhanced collection process called EnDO. This allows for collections across all banks whilst facilitating credit tracking, should funds not be immediately available. It’s a repayments evolution, led by The Payments Association of Namibia, that will benefit both creditors and payers alike.


EnDO will offer 3 new payment streams:


Enhanced Debit
Orders (EnDO):

  • Early Morning Processing – Increasing access to funds
  • Collect from All Major Namibian Banks
  • Real-Time Debits – Guaranteed immediate reservation of funds
  • Credit Tracking – Debits to be processed as funds become available


Enhanced Credit
Payments (EnCR):

  • Bulk credit payments to single and multiple beneficiaries


Credits (NRTC):

  • Bulk credit payments to single and multiple beneficiaries

Current EFT credit payments system will be replaced by two new streams (ENCR & NRTC). This will enhance the way money can be transferred across all banks in the National Payments System. This involves the ability to continue to transact within a current day while also benefiting from the capability to transfer money immediately to any beneficiary in Namibia, whether they bank at the same institution or not.

Key EnDO features includes:

Debit orders are submitted using the new industry payment standard.

Institutions that submit debit orders on behalf of other institutions or entities are required to register as a collector.

Users are able to send debit orders that will have the ability to repeatedly check for funds (credit tracking) on the debtor’s account over a period of time which will improve the chances for collection successes.

Debit Orders will be processed three times daily after the morning salary credit run.

All debit orders are fully randomised to avoid preferential treatment on collection of funds.

Debit orders will not be “unpaid” but rather “unsuccessful” on the consumer’s account resulting in fewer disputes and queries.

The customer’s credit record will be impacted should the debit order be unsuccessful.

Should a debit order request on a debtor/payer’s account not be honoured, it will automatically be returned to the originator.